Resources to Help Your School Thrive in 2024

Kassandre Kallen

December 6, 2023

    The new year is approaching, and we want to give you some of our favorite resources to help your K-12 private or independent school grow and thrive in 2024! Our work is dedicated to providing you with best-in-class technology to advance your mission and provide a top-notch educational experience. 

    Admissions and Enrollment 

    Here’s good news to begin the new year: According to the National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS), enrollment is rising, citing 2.6% growth in median enrollment between the 2021-2022 and 2022-2023 school years.  

    To continue this upward momentum, K-12 schools are closely monitoring recent changes to higher education and how it will impact the K-12 landscape. Watch our Ravenna by Education Brands webinar, Adapting with Purpose: K-12 Admissions in the Era of Supreme Court Changes, to find out how you can cater your admissions and enrollment strategies to address these changes.  

    Tuition Management 

    Whether students pay full price or get a discount, making the most of each student’s contribution significantly affects your school’s finances. Download this guideto maximize net tuition revenue while maintaining affordability for families in the new year.  

    Financial Aid  

    Awarding financial aid is crucial for fostering diversity, inclusivity, and equal educational opportunities. By providing financial assistance to families facing economic challenges, K-12 private and independent schools can ensure that a diverse student body can access quality education. This contributes to a more vibrant learning environment and helps break down socioeconomic barriers.  

    Despite the importance of financial aid, schools often need help balancing their financial needs with the desire to support as many deserving students as possible. Download this K-12 Financial Aid Strategy Workbook, filled with resources to develop a financial aid strategy that supports your mission and budget. 

    Data and Reporting 

    Comprehensive data and reporting can lead to better-informed decisions and therefore, growth for your school. This article by EdTech showcases how K-12 schools use data and reporting to improve educational outcomes, create efficiencies, and plan targeted initiatives. The power of a unified digital campus allows schools to quickly and easily look at data across the student lifecycle. When equipped with this information, schools have insight into how to continue providing a best-in-class educational experience while allocating resources and investing in strategic initiatives effectively.  


    Are you worried about fundraising and how your school will fare in 2024? Check out the Ultimate Study Guide for School Fundraising, which provides access to tips and tricks to ace your upcoming fundraising events and efforts. This guide is full of great resources like a fundraising event checklist, event enhancement ideas, unique items for school auctions, tips for your auction and fund-a-need, ideas for incorporating students in your fundraiser, alumni engagement tips, and more!  


    Ready to uplevel your marketing efforts in 2024? Consider starting with a school website refreshhere’s a checklist you can use to update your website. Your website is often the first stop for potential families, so it’s important your school website reflects your mission, values, and culture. Get inspiration by looking at how K-12 schools use their school websites to showcase personality and boost admissions 


    If you’re managing your school’s finances with multiple Excel sheets or a software program not designed for true fund accounting, consider strengthening your financial future by moving to a more robust fund accounting program. This can help your school improve financial and accounting reporting, reduce manual errors, and manage your financial books with ease.     

    MIP Fund Accounting software helps schools accurately, efficiently, and expediently track all grants, funds, and assets with a user-intuitive interface and unlimited reporting power.  

    Helping Your School Succeed in 2024!  

    The new year is brimming with possibilities, and we are committed to helping your school automate, transform, and expand your reach. As you set goals and form strategies for the new year, remember that our team at SSS is here to help—see how we empower schools to succeed.  

    We wish you a productive and happy new year! 

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