
2020 Private School Tech Trends

The modern digital landscape is always changingFor K-12 private and independent schools and their administrative staff, the past five years have marked a rapidly changing tech environment. From managing admissions, enrollment, and financial aid to fundraising and tuition and billing, manual and paper processes are being replaced with digital tools and software.

To better understand these trends, SSS, in partnership with our Community Brands family of K-12 solutions, surveyed hundreds of schools around the country to explore how their past, present, and future use of education technologies has evolved over recent years.  

  • What administrative areas have been most changed by advances in technology and use of digital tools and solutions? 
  • What challenges do schools face when introducing new technologies? 
  • Where do schools look to improve administrative efficiencies with online tools and solutions? 
  • What plans do schools have for future technology adoption and use?  

Survey findings for these questions and more are discussed in this report as we share the challenges, solutions, and new opportunities surrounding the changing landscape of education technology for K-12 private schools.  How do these trends relate to your school?  Find out by downloading your free copy today.