Be your school’s 

financial aid hero! 

It’s no secret, financial aid comes with a lot of complexities—and anyone working in financial aid is a superhero for those families in need of assistance!   

It’s our mission at Community Brands to help our schools meet their goals, and part of that is providing education and assistance wherever possible. Watch these quick 5-minute educational videos to dive into some of the more complex financial aid topics! 

Find yourself needing more assistance dealing with complex applications—or maybe you just need an extra hand? We’re here to help! Request a 1:1 to learn more about how the Financial Aid Assistant program can be a virtual partner for your financial aid team this season! 

Let’s Get Started

Keep an eye out for more videos on different topics over the next few weeks!

5 Things You Should Know:

Annual Settings

5 Things You Should Know:

Collecting Documentation

5 Things You Should Know:

Evaluating Applications from Separated Families

5 Things You Should Know:

Evaluating Business Owners

5 Things You Should Know:

Early Awarding

5 Things You Should Know:

Forecasting and Reporting